
Embrace the Darkness [Jais & Xhen]


05-22-2013, 10:24 PM

Despite her acceptance into the Tortuga pack, not much had changed about Xhen's everyday habits. Late to rise, late to rest, she habitually woke around mid-day and fell asleep deep in the night, far later than most creatures closed their eyes to sleep. As the female wandered from the borders of the place she was beginning to call home, her pale yellow eyes swept over the landscape before her. Slowly autumn was coming to an end; the vibrant array of yellow, red, and orange leaves that once dappled the landscape slowly had begun to fade, the world changing to a dull brown as the dried leaves fell to the earth, as though struggling to escape from the incoming winter season.

Eyes danced upwards to the sun, watching the midday sun shin overhead. Paws carried the woman towards the gentle sound of trickling water over rocks. Only as she grew nearer did the sound turn to a dull roar. The female wondered where he brother might be, having not seen him in a few days now. He seemed silently impressed by the Tortuga pack, almost seeming as though he thought he might fit in -- and it seemed very much like he would. And yet he was as quiet as ever, barely speaking more than a few words at a time, even around her. The female came to a pause before further encroaching on the falls, scanning the area around her. No Hoven in sight. He was still unwilling to enter the lands of Tortuga -- he never was good at speaking to strangers, or speaking at all, as a matter of fact. In due time, she thought silent, as she resumed her lazy pace towards the source of water.

The scent of a stranger reached her nostrils, her nose finding him far before her eyes did. No sounds of greeting escaped her mouth, for he was foreign to her, as were his intentions. But still she continued closer -- it was the pleasant waterfall that piqued her interest, not whatever brute might be lurking nearby.

But as tempting as the glimmering surface of the small lake was, her eyes eventually found the source of the scent, a medium-sized beast sitting still and silent upon a rock the same color as his pelt. A simple stare was given as she moved to recline comfortably on her belly, facing him slightly. Constantly aware of any threat he might possess to her -- danger was not anything new for Xhen. And yet he seemed as though he was in a half-asleep state, barely conscious although not yet entirely asleep. A soft huff was given as she shifted on the cool earth, paws dangling into the edge of the frigid water.