
A Hundred Treads


05-22-2013, 11:46 PM
With one ear twitching, the small wolf tried to find the appropriate stance. Did one sit in front of someone in a pack? Or did he remain standing? His tail swung in uncertainty from where it was still half-hung between his legs. He shifted his weight unto his left side before switching it back to the right, his thoughts all running jumbled together all at once. He didn't know the half of how to act in front of a pact, why hadn't he asked his mother before he left, she was from a real pack before it was dispersed. He shouldn't have been so eager to leave without knowing at least how to act in front of someone with a much higher rank-

Another voice suddenly cut into Zaynes thoughts, causing the scattered train of thoughts to crash to a startled halt. The wolf jerked his head to look at the newcommer, surprise evident in his green eyes. What was it with him and not being able to scent, or hear these wolves before they appeared before him?! Maybe he was too tired, or too full of nerves. That must be it. He usually wasnt this oblivious about his surroundings. Really he wasnt. He wasnt making a good first impression for sure.

Zayne twisted one ear towards the newcomer, but kept one ear on the white dame as he bowed his head slightly to the other in acknowledgement. And- his bird. Stunning bird, too. It was a rare color, at least from what he had seen. It must be special- oh yes, special indeed if it could talk. What was the proper term of address towards a golden talking bird? Oh for the howls of mercy, he should have asked his mother whilst he had the chance! "Greetings. It is nice to meet you. You as well, Sir Cyril. I am Zayne. And yes, I am searching for a home to call my own." Best leave out his last name, it wasn't as impressive sounding like Sir Thanes was.