
The Swaying Grasses

Thaddeus Rogue

05-23-2013, 12:44 AM
Rogue chuckled at the little girls enthusiasm, she wanted to learn and he was more then willing to lead her and teach her the little bit he knew about the herbs he himself learned from a very wise man. He smiled as the little girl bounded about him wanting to see what he had to say. He slowly got to his paws, becoming envious about how the little girl could just bound about. "Sure little one, lets see what we can find." He moved slowly so his little niece could keep up smile as she fallowed him. He looked about his eyes searching the foliage for the few plants he knew.

He moved closer to the forests edge his nose fallowing a faint smell that he recognized. He stopped in front of a plant that has a flowering effect of leaves around red berries. He smiled this was a good starting point in his little lesson. He turned his green blue eyes to Orica a smile curving his mouth. "This, little one is called Ginseng. It is used to reduce fever." He let the little one do as much as she pleased whether it was sniff or even chew on the plant. But when she was done he moved on fallowing his nose to the next plant he knew. It was a deep green stem and leaf and a flower that was a powder pink. "This is cranesbills, or Geranium. This plant is used to help stop bleeding and heal canker sores." he let the Orica do whatever she pleased then moved on, his lanky legs moving him from the forest and across the field. When the next scent hit his nose he could not believe it. Could he be so lucky as to have this one plat be this far north? He stopped next the the lack that was sported in the pack lands and smiled as the large tree came into view. So he was. The tree had one thick trunk with thin breaches that was weighted down by slender leafs. "This little one is called White Willow, and it will be your best friend. Its bark reduces pain, and even helps with inflammation, as well as fevers and chills. But the pain relief is what is going to be most used." He sat on his hunches watching the little girl wondering if he was any use for her. Wondering if she saw the world like he once did whenever he found a new scent.