
Wondering Eyes, Wondering Soul


05-23-2013, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2013, 08:06 AM by Aeil.)

Her ears, which were slightly pinned back, slowly rose when his gentle tones reached them. "Oh, y-you don't have to apologize for that. I suppose I was at fault as well...relaxing in a land I don't know and letting my guards down to relish the sunlight..." Aeil sighed softly as she felt the sun hit that area of the hill again. She closed her eyes and felt that familiar fog return. However, she pulled herself back to the present and rose to all fours. With a gentle and brisk shake, she tried to make the leaves and grass fly from her dark gray coat.
When she was successful, Aeil stopped shaking and opened her eyes. Their color had changed from a dark sapphire to a lighter shade. It couldn't be seen at first, but if you watched carefully the next time, you could tell when it happened. As she stopped shaking herself, her fur fell back into place and she said, "Nice to meet you, Gerhardt Mathias. I am Aeil...a short version of my full name, which is, well.." she smiled and her eyes twinkled as she took a couple of steps forward, "something not many know."
As she reclined to her own haunches, she thought about how their positions were similar at that moment. The tip of her long-haired tail waved lazily next to her and she kept her gentle gaze on the King (unknown to her). When he asked if he woke her, she shyly looked down and blushed (her face turned a lighter shade of gray). "I will admit," she started to say, "that I was slowly succumbing to the warmth I felt. But-" Aeil looked up, "I don't think I will miss that nap very much." Aeil was secretly hoping that she wasn't talking too much and boring the stranger in front of her. But, as she looked at Gerhardt and took in the finer details of his face and fur, she decided that maybe she had said just enough to leave an impression. 'I hope it was a good one!', she instantly thought. Self-consciousness took over and she smiled with both her eyes and facial features. "If I talk too much, please let me know."
