
Share the Wealth [pack meeting]

Rune I


5 Years
11-18-2014, 12:54 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Unsurprising was Warja appearing first. The girl had consistently proven herself a punctual wolf and continued to do so here where Rune thought it mattered most. Something almost akin to a smile quirked at the edges of her lips until Kismet appeared, the boy bringing with him a strange distance that the Guardian was still wondering how to deal with. It was undeniable that the boy was partial to his daughter, but how he felt about it was something he had yet to decide upon. More came, the broken and beaten Akemi who was followed now by her son and the squeaky little creature who palled around with her, Alamea - a meaningful gaze, soft and adoring, was saved just for her - who appeared at his side with a nuzzle, Colman and Emma and Priti.

He waited just long enough for Keiki to arrive before deciding enough time had passed. His son was not there - Rune made himself draw in a slow, patient breath while promising to remind the boy why being punctual was such a good habit of getting into - but that was neither here nor there anymore. He had called his meeting to order. He needed to get to it, regardless of who all had failed to show up on time.

"I want you all to know your punctuality has been taken note of," he remarked to those who were presently here to listen, certain that, for the time being, the significance of the gesture was weighted more by him than them. As if called by his remark, his tardy son appeared, quietly sneaking in among the group, and Rune pointedly fixed him with a momentary stare as he went on. "It'll do you good to continue to be punctual from here on out. I called you all together to tell you's high time some of the other ranks were filled." Carefully he chose his words; admitting to the pack that he needed help was not something his pride would allow. "I want to appoint Advisors - Sentinel, Hunstman, Healer - to take over the responsibility of those in the Task tier. And since I haven't seen enough out of you, I'm giving you time to prove yourselves."

A slight pause preceded his explanation, giving them all a moment to let his news sink in before he continued. "If you are interested in any of the three Advisory positions, then speak up now. You'll be required to do something with your chosen task - set up a patrol, lead a hunt, conduct a lesson - something useful that you can be judged on. We've let things slip for too long now. It's time we started working together." His frosty blue gaze swept over the pack, his pack, and silently he hoped they would not disappoint him. Surely there had to be some who were ambitious enough to jump at the chance to prove themselves, and surely they were all looking for the opportunity to finally act like a pack and work together. "Well? Who's interested?"

OOC: Alright, on to second round posts! They will be due by Saturday, Nov 22nd (or sooner depending on interest I hear about ooc). I'll be dropping Eirik in (only because he's never on time to things), but only feel obligated to post if your character is interested in one of the three Advisory tier positions. Otherwise, hang tight, we'll get this moving along shortly!