
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



3 Years
11-18-2014, 09:41 AM

Just when Svetlana thought that everything was going to be alright... everything seemed to fall apart again. She was caught in limbo, stuck in a time between right and wrong. Her heart's wounds were reopened, torn and left bleeding out. She had run. She had run and come back. Left and then slithered back yet again. Svetlana had lost Raisa, though her mother was her own person, able to go where she wanted. Val... she was sure that her sister didn't forgive her at all. Now she could even tell Val's scent was fading around Ebony... and it left her hurting all the more. Hurting so badly. Had... had all those words, those promises, been for nothing?

She wasn't sure where she belonged anymore. If anywhere. She had fallen off the path of what she hoped to become, a young woman who felt she had no future before her... and nothing but a withering past. Svetlana had lost Korrin in the confusion as well, caught in running around like a mad woman searching for where she was supposed to be. In the end it was to the place of her birth, no longer part of Ebony, and to the very den she grew up in. It was in there that the lighter color of her mother, the faded version, now lay curled up in a ball of misery.

Val had said she'd be welcomed home... that they'd stay together... they'd make it through... but where was she now? Raisa had gone, hopefully to search for Sigmarr and Sindri, as Koros had hinted at... but... Svet would whine, curling tighter into that ball. She was, in the end, alone. Mistakes lead her here... and she was scared of trying to make another decision. Would that just lead to her getting hurt too? Should... should she even attempt to go back to Ebony now? Should she even... stay in Alacritia? The questions ate at her mind, her heart, her very soul. Svetlana felt like a small child again with little to no knowledge of what was right or wrong anymore. She had no idea what path to take... or even if there was a future left for her anymore.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]