
Share the Wealth [pack meeting]


11-18-2014, 11:38 AM

The situation was diffused for the time, her child remaining by her side. Zisa, she figured, had to be with Freyr. Boy was she going to snap at him for missing this meeting. The femme would relax back upon the ground. She was going to overcome this, recover, and come out stronger. Then... she had some business to attend to. Some personal business. To face her fears, her demons... and make sure that they knew their damned place. The fiery female had faltered, shown weakness... but no, that wasn't the Akemi her siblings knew her as, and she sure wasn't going to let anyone else remember her as something so weak... so pathetic. She'd seek her children's bastard father herself.

Listening to Rune, she'd remain silent. She wanted to prove to this man, to this pack, she would be capable. Be a wolfess who would not be a burden, despite her size. Then a most interesting opportunity met her ears, or rather what was left of them. The femme would lift her head, speaking in a clear voice after Colman showed his interest in the huntsman position. There was an unwavering flame of determination in her eyes, ready to leap forth and do what was needed.

"I would like to try out for the sentinel position. Given a couple more days of rest and I will be prepared for a trial task, if you have no concerns about giving me the opportunity." She was going to make one hell of a comeback, no matter what it took.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts,' "Listen To Tiny."

Table by:: Keno