
Handsome Hati's Heavenly Halloween Hootenanny

SkaĆ°i I


3 Years
Extra large
11-18-2014, 10:00 PM

Ah. The only response her words got was a grunt. So was that it, then? The chink in his armor? She had half a mind to pursue it, but the presence of another drew her attention away.

The sight of her sister sent a thrill of pleasure down her spine, the hollow in her chest warming slightly in the closest thing she could feel to joy. Immediately her attention shifted from the murderer Hati. "Freyja," she murmured, "Not at all." Before she could say more, a ruckus drew her graze away. None other than Baldur came prancing up and Skadi, at the sight of him, nearly grew weak in the knee. All this time searching for her siblings. Months with no sightings, not even a whisper to point her in the right direction, and then suddenly there was a group of them. Baldur was a bit loud for her tastes, but he was easily the easiest to handle. She could use his exuberance. "And Baldur too." Her eyes narrowed calculatingly. Far too pleased with the turn of events, she purred, "Hello."

There was no time to waste. Among other things, there was vengeance to be had. What better way to raise the dynasty from the ashes than to rally them under the same banner? Blunt as a rock to the head, Skadi dropped all of her nice pretenses. "Akemi was raped, her body then further mutilated to shame her. She is pregnant with his bastard children and lives every day in fear of his return." She paused to take in their expressions. "I don't suppose you guys would be interested in joining me in delivering his head to her?"

"Speaking" -- Thinking