
seeking acceptance in the burning flames.


05-23-2013, 08:38 AM


a slight chuckle would ripples from the depths of her lungs making the rib cage expand deeply to intake the blazing flat air nothing refreshing with the heat, recognizing the mans positions he was respected. truly she was a respectful wolf enforcing law to those criminals who no one could possibly tolerate, the women would depart the ebony chompers and flutter her tongue delicately mimicking a hushing lullaby ' true indeed but i am not a ass you see sweetie i just like my travels and to intake a wolves attitude to try and determine if this land is right for me' after she would pause for a second and repeat ' it seems it is the right place i could call home i will offer every last drop of the blood that flows through my veins to ensure our safety and respected name on this earth, spitting on those who dare to be disrespectful;' after a slight grin would peek on her face boldly showing the structure of cheek bones and the flattering sapphire optics, the women would walk slightly closer on the very tip of the edge still her tail wafting implying the bickering was nothing more than that no argument or disrespect just a laugh sort of thing. the blazing sun would carry on to beam on the light chestnut women perfectly youth in full glory she was a yearling the same size of a adult wolf was unusual only this would show she was still a student in learning yet clever for her age in a adult size only anything could happen her size- development and knowledge this pack would provide. her body movements was carefully planned ahead the demon lady would want to show the man she was worth this pack she wasn't a fool, knowing body language means half of the judgments a wolf shall determine. yet she was steady not to attempt to over power him as that's just plain stupid.