
Breath it in (EBONY MEETING)



4 Years
11-19-2014, 01:20 AM

She?d faintly hear the sound of the call beneath her heavy sleep, her brain however would not register the importance of it. Lucky for her Solo was there to awaken her. She?d hear him call her name softly, still having a bit of trouble rousing herself completely. She?d groan a bit as he nipped at her ears, not wanting to leave the warm den just yet. She?d enjoyed her time within Ebony, the new familiarity of the place was enjoyable even if her prince had yet to take her on any of the promised adventures. She?d rise slowly, feelings his rapid movements next to her. "I'm awake!" She?d lash out blindly, searching to return the nips he?d offered to awaken her. Though she realized she?d probably only get his paws, she wasn?t looking to cause damage. They exchange a few of these motions before Solo would lead her outside, already forming a plan to take her away.
She?d find that her lips would pull back into an amused grin, she couldn?t help but doubt the plan how ever much she wished it to work. However, her features would not betray this feeling as she beamed at her companion. Lifting herself from the earth she?d follow him outside easily matching his pace. Eventually she'd catch the scent of her brother and would find her way to his side as Solo let her take the lead. She'd smile, blind eyes falling on his form as she greeted him with a soft hello, as visual motions were meaningless to her. "Hello, Kass." her voice was incredibly soft as her delicate haunches coiled beneath her, it had been too long since she'd seen her Ebony born sibling.


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