



7 Years
11-19-2014, 02:16 PM

The woman told him that she preferred to play in water, and at that Lebrah's face scrunched up as he stuck out his tongue. Ick, water. Mud was a lot more fun! And it had a bit of water in it, so that counted as water, right? Sucking his tongue back into the place where it belonged, he searched her face. "Its okay Anais, don't feel bad! I can teach you how to have fun in mud." Because no matter what she said, there was going to be no keeping him away from mud. Nope, it was a part of him to be always dirty. Constantly. In fact, she was most likely going to have a lot of trouble keeping him clean. What a shame, he had such a pretty coat.

As he was pointed in the right direction of the water, he took a big breath. Was he ready to get clean? It really felt like a huge choice for him to pick between being clean and being dirty, but he couldn't turn down Anais' offer. To have a home was a lot bigger than being muddy. Well... maybe. He took a few tentative steps after her, until she turned and posed a race. Golden eyes flew open wide as she took off. Letting out a loud bark he raced after her, trying not to trip over his paws as he fought to catch up. He was determined, he didn't want to be a rotten egg! The river came into view and he jumped towards it, even though he was rather far away from it still. Lebrah pitched forward and he tucked his his head towards his chest. When he hit the ground, his shoulders were the first thing to connect. He rolled forward, becoming blurry ball of mud and wolf as he rolled towards the river. Yup... he was one special wolf...

Lebrah hit the water, letting out a gasp as his coiled form splashed in. He pushed himself to the surface, the cold water soaking him to the bone. Yelping the boy jumped up onto the bank, grappling with the damp sides. He kicked his back legs, finally pulling himself up to solid ground. His golden eyes cut towards Anais, a pout on his face. He was clean, but soaking wet. The chilly breeze made him shiver as he pulled himself up on all fours, digging his claws into the earth as he shook his pale form. Now all his markings showed, their feather like appearance showing through at last. His red ears faced the dame, his coat all fluffed up as he tried to block out the cold. "I'm clean, can I go inside now?"