
Clash Boom Bang



7 Years

11-19-2014, 03:59 PM

Bass had expected a good fight, and was glad that Caraleya didn't disappoint -- just as he knew she would. When her teeth hit their mark, the left side of his neck, and her teeth sank in deeper. His shoulders were rolled, as well as his chin tucked towards his chest, they did not puncture his muscles. The wound was moderate, but it still stung like a bitch. He let out a growl as his ears pulled eve tighter to his head, although the adrenaline from the battle blocked most of the pain. Bass' eyed remained narrowed, trying not to fully shut them as his teeth grit together.

His teeth gripped onto her left front paw, her blood trickling into his jaws. The coppery taste was no longer foreign to him like it was once was, his tongue trying to snake around the wound. There, a little kiss on her boo-boo, he thought with a grin. As he twisted her paw to the right, he felt the muscles in her leg pulling tightly. He had been able to pull her right leg out from under her as well, but she was clever. He felt her weight shift, and as her jaws were still biting into the left side of his neck he knew that she was going to death roll him. Growling, Bass felt her starting to fall. As if in slow motion, he watched her go down as thoughts raced through his mind. He had two options, lose a chuck of his neck or go down with her. Or... Bass could be clever himself. Lowering his head so that his neck was closer to her falling form, he attempted to pivot his body so that he was now hopefully standing over her lowering form. In order to do so, Bass spun his body to the left, switching his bodies positioning so that he was now (hopefully) facing the opposite direction that he once was. Bass kept his head lowered as her jaws had sunk in further, digging her teeth deeper into his neck. He hissed between clenched jaws, the bite now becoming more severe. They were dangerously close to his neck muscles.

Bass now stood over top Cataleya, she was laying on her back and her belly facing his own. (Permission to power play position given by Saffie.) The left side of his neck was still in her grasps, just as he was trying to keep her left front paw in his own jaws. The man tucked his tail between his legs to protect his exposed belly, his toes spreading as claws bit into the ground. Weight was balanced evenly among all four paws, legs bent slightly as he secured his position above her. His chin was still ducked down towards his neck, wanting to protect the much more open vital bite. His lips were pulled back into a snarl, loose skin pooling around his eyes to further protect them from attack.

The man didn't recognize the positions they were in, while he was aware that he was on top of her the sexuality of the position was lost in him. He was focused on their fight, wanting to both better himself as well as prove that Abaven was a reliable ally. Bass then attempted to let go of her front left paw, his jaws not remaining open for long. Trying to lower his head as far as he could without straining on her hold on his neck, the male sought to close his jaws around the center of her neck, jaws aiming for either side of her windpipe. His aim was to not bite deeply enough to puncture any arteries, but to try and maintain a hold. He hoped that his attempted bite would be enough to get her to let go of his neck. Bass then attempted to lower his back half into a seated position, trying to sit on her belly. Yes, sit. Hopefully it would cause enough discomfort and pressure for her to give in. The man couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, he was literally trying to sit on this woman as an attack.


Bass vs Cataleya for Spar - Round 2/2 {sorry forgot about this >.>}

Defenses : Shoulders rolled, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, toes spread, claws dug into ground, weight balanced, legs bent, lips snarling.

Attack : Trying to bite Cat's neck on either side of her windpipe, not deep enough to bite in to deep. Trying to sit on Cat's belly.

Injuries : Moderate bruise on left shoulder, severe puncture wounds on left side of neck