
this is how it ends


11-19-2014, 05:14 PM

Rage had all but vanished from him, the usual fuel to their fire. More often then not their time together left them both bloody and broken, worse for wear but feeling good none the less. But this was different. There was desperation in his touch as her pressed himself into her as if attempting to combine their forms. This was a side of her no one else knew, a side of him that few had ever seen and he liked it keep it like that. This, this right here, the here and now was their own little world. In this moment there was only her, there was no pack to worry about, not vengeance to be had, no dead children and failed promises. He had nothing here to worry about other then the only thing he wanted to worry about, and that was pleasing her. She was his everything, the singular pillar on which his whole world teetered precariously on. It was as if all the other things that kept him going were slowly crumbling down around him as her stood in her presence. All the hatred, rage, confusion fled him only to be replaced by a burning desire. A feeling that had been there since the day he had met her, a feeling that had never faltered or flickered despite everything but had simply been covered and blanketed by all the other emotions that tangled around him and dragged him down into their cold embrace. Now. With them gone... There was only heat now.

She would move lazily, languidly... She was obviously in no rush as she moved her still to allow her own teeth to trail along his spine. Hackles would raise instinctively against the odd yet pleasurable sensation, a tremble rolling its way through his muscles as they tensed then relaxed in a wave through his whole body. Her teeth would move to his neck and head would tip slightly, showing his throat fully to her. How easy it would be for a stray tooth to clip his artery, how easy it would be for her to reach forward and crush his wind pipe but he didn't mind. Would there truly be any better way to die then in the arms of the one you loved? Her words would drip from velvet lips like a song, an easy statement but he had needed to hear it so desperately that when the words came he could feel tension leave his body in a rush. Teeth would pull on his ear and he would cast her a sidelong gaze, questioning, easy. She didn't seem to be in a rush but he had no issue with giving her exactly what she wanted. Just because this was the last time they would meet like this. Did it?

He would reach around, swinging his skull to gently nip towards her face in an attempt to get her to release his ear from her grasp. A boyish grin would tug at his lips as he would move around her, never breaking contact from her body ever as he moved to press chest against her hips, massive form looming over her. He would slide forward, looking to grasp her hips with forelimbs, teeth searching for a hold on her scruff. He would remain motionless until she would give him some sign, until she would give him permission. Everything was for her after all...

-fade to black?-