
Forgotten in a world that still whispers my name


11-19-2014, 05:51 PM

Pandora... Her name was whispered upon the winds, waking up the cobalt-coated babe. Large turquoise blue eyes opened to darkness, quickly adjusting to the night atmosphere surrounding her. Automatically, she yawned and stretched her front paws before rising and stretching her hind legs. She didn't know why she had napped so long that afternoon; all she knew was that it was past sunset and the night was hers to take. Without a planned destination in mind, she slipped from the den she shared with no one and set out on a road that wasn't hers.
She left the safety of her precious Wolfpaw Lake, ignoring the soft twitters of birds that had been woken up by her brisk movements. Her paws walked across now familiar terrain, memorizing the roads she had taken before for future use. Yet, she ignored all of the familiar tugs and continued to head farther down south. What she would find there was unbeknownst to her. All she knew was that her name had been called, and she wanted to know by whom.
The moon had risen more after she reached the unfamiliar forest. She didn't know that the world had broken apart, exposing an unknown land to the continent she had grown to adore. Everything she saw gave off a strange vibe, but she pursued the masked stranger, whose face was shrouded in darkness and too far for her to see. She didn't strain her eyes and stepped from familiar lands into a black, tangled unknown.

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