
remember when



3 Years
Extra large
11-19-2014, 06:38 PM
Revenge adult

He didn?t know when he?d lost her. He knew it had been some time ago, a bit after they?d left the protection of their parents. How he?d lost her, he wasn?t quite sure, but he knew he wanted her back. The nights were long and lonely with out his sister by his side. He could live without the comforts of Scorpion and Othello as long as she was with him. Now he just felt lost and confused.
Every day he would actively search for her scent, but with every day that went by he felt himself losing hope. His skills were not honed enough, his body not trained well enough to find his beloved sister. Pale ears would hand against his skull dejectedly as he walked, unsure of each step as he watched the world pass by behind half-lidded eyes. The only thing in the world that would break him from the stupor would be a sign of her, and that?s exactly what he?d get.
Immediately his eyes would open wider as he took in the faint trace of Mercy, his whole form would renew itself os he brought himself to his full height and felt his tail wag behind him. Surely she was here. The thick pack scent would cover most of it, but he was still very much aware of her presence. Mercy was here, and he would find her.
Mindful of the border he?d find his head tipping back excitedly, a needy call coming from his lips. Mercy had to be here.


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