
Calling All Monsters


05-23-2013, 12:15 PM

He had come back without killing Kaios, he had made it as far as the wall and something had pulled him back. He wasn't ready... It had been too soon. So he had spent some time there, wandering it's length before finally turning back and sliding his way back home. He didn't know how much he had missed or how much had happened in his week gone. He had spoken to Kaien of his intent but the male had seemingly disappeared the day Kylar had decided to leave. So he had gone on his own and something about that had slowed his progress. He didn't know how to be a diplomat, he had wanted Kaien to speak to the queen slayer and then for Kylar to just go there to fight. So he had returned, deciding he should talk to Kaien or Morphine once more and bring them with him. He knew nothing of the change in crowns, the banishment of the white queen or the new leaders. He knew not of the pack meeting he had missed or the stripping of the ranks or the tournament that was being held. All he knew was that he needed a higher ranked wolf to speak too that wasn't his sister. And of course she was the one who greeted him at the boarder, rubbing up against him like a cat and pressing her shoulders into him like she once had when they were young. A soft smile flitted over his lips as she pushed herself into his chest and he curled his neck around her, tongue flicking over his shoulder to smooth the fur.

An unfamiliar howl broke through their soft silence and suddenly Vi's mood changed, hackles raising and head snapping around to snarl at the sound. "Vi..." It was a question, a statement and an answer. That howl held authority yet it belonged to neither Morhpine or Kaien. What could happen in a week? She said that they should go and he nodded briefly before following the red witch on her trek. There were a few wolves gathered, one of them being his daughter, and seated before a white woman he had never met before and Nnoitra. He gave Maia a stern look, he wanted her to stay seated where she was while he dealt with this. They could speak later. Vi introduced him briefly and Kylar dipped his head, attention refocusing back on the task at hand. "Greetings lady, Nnoitra... I'm at a bit of a loss... I left on a job for Kaien and returned for... Well... Maybe this would be better to speak of in private if you would allow it after all this?" His tone held a question, the massive male unsure if he would be welcomed under these new leaders. He cared not who led them as long as Kaios ended up dead... But it seemed something was going on here so speaking of it would have to wait until a later time. Whether Nnoitra would want to hear him out or this new ice queen he cared not.
