
My my, how things CHANGE



8 Years
11-20-2014, 04:04 AM

Words were such silly things, and yet held so much more power than most thought. They could not be taken back once said, no matter how much you said sorry. Covering words with more words, that is all it truly was. But the body never lied. It reacted to every little thing, moved and bent different ways to showcase emotions. It told more vast stories than words did, for in the shared silence all you needed was a little motion, the smallest movement and you knew. As Othello watched him, she knew. They were both as much in love with each other as they had once been. It had never faded, but been put on the shelf while other wolves and new emotions came out to play. But there it had been sitting, collecting dust and yet breathing at the same time. It still lived on as they did, awaiting its turn to be brought out once more. It made its big debut today, shining so brightly that it could have melted all the snow around them. It was starting to cover them now as well, making them look like just another part of the landscape. Rooted. Connected. Together. As much as they knew it was wrong, deep roots were spreading once more.

He had listened to her, and moved with her. Bodies reacted to each other, pulling back at the same time as her too harsh words were said. The tongue was truly the most powerful weapon of all. So she sheathed it, waiting for him to wield his own. She had nothing else to say, and couldn't without his words to set her free. She had trapped herself in her own statement, relying on one little word for her next action. So she moved the only way that she could, towards him. And then it left, that one word that answered two questions at once. He rushed forward, crushing their bodies together. In something that sounded so violent, it was as sweet as baby's breath. They molded into each other, fitting perfectly in each others embrace. His head tucked around her own, ears pinning gently against her head as purple eyes closed. She breathed in his scent, pushing her nose into his neck until it rested on hot skin. The snow was not the only thing that started to melt off her, the tension and sadness following it. She just sat there, until his next words were spoken. Othello wiggled herself further into him, his paw over her own making her knees feel weak. She wanted to ask him to run away with her, so they could be together away from all of this. But she couldn't, it would be too much for him to drop his pack and too just melt away. But as her heart beat picked up in her chest, she realized that it was just more than love for him that was shining through. His heat wrapped her up in a comforting blanket, and she swallowed hard to try and rid the emotions that were unwanted. She could no longer lust after this man, that place was not hers. But he was just so delicious, and the way that he held her made her think that he might want the same thing.

"I... I can't just leave you like this. I want you still, sweetest Crucifix. I need you." She whispered, knowing that if her actions had not been out of line, that her words were. She should not be doing this, it was not fair to either of them. But she couldn't help it. He was too much a temptation. Her tongue snaked out of her mouth and caressed his neck, his taste making her fur stand on end as a shiver ran through her spine. She could not deny the feelings that he was bringing out in her, but she would suppress them if he asked. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, pulling her head out from under him for only a moment. Her tongue wet her lips as her nerves grew, eyes searching his. She didn't want to pull apart, but she needed to see the truth in all of this. Words could lie, eyes could not. Was this totally wrong of them to be doing? Probably. But they were both adults, he was no longer just a boy. She may be older, but age didn't matter when love was involved. She found herself leaning in closer to his own muzzle, eyes roaming down to it. "Just... tell me to stop." She said delicately, brushing the side of her muzzle against her own. Nose came close to his cheek, a soft, lingering kiss pressing there before she drew back slightly. She knew this was wrong, but already her lids were heavy. She wanted him. Thoughts of all other things were gone, and it was getting hard to focus. If Crucifix didn't want this, all he had to do was say so. She might not be the best at self control, but his words held a little more power over her.

Othello's breath came out more weighted than usual, her head wrapping around so that a similar kiss could be placed on his opposite cheek. He tasted sweeter than she had remembered, but perhaps that was just because of the lingering need to consume him. Her eyes roamed up to his, seeing how he was reacting to all of this. Her elongated tail came to the left, curling around the side of her own body and a part of Crucifix's. She drew her nose around the side of his face, her teeth drawing a line up his cheek bone. And then she stopped, wrapping her head back under his own chin, the top of her head pressing against it with a soft amount of pressure. She held her breath, her claws digging into the earth. Had she just gone too far and ruined everything? Maybe it would be for the best, and they could part just as fiery as they always seemed to. If not... perhaps they should move indoors. Othello shook her head, she had no idea where this was all coming from. Did Crucifix think that she was some mindless whore who only came to see him to reconnect in every way possible? She sure hoped not, because her mind was screaming at her for stopping where she did. Wiggling herself closer to the male she waited on baited breath to see what he would do.

baby you're all I need