

Bronze i


12 Years
11-20-2014, 09:22 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2014, 09:24 AM by Bronze i.)

Bronze would've fought tooth and nail for Steel's freedom, if Jupiter had requested it. He knew there was no way he would've won -- he was far too tired, too weak, but he would've given it his all regardless. The male would watch silent as she assessed his request, a bit of empathy gleaming in her violet eyes. All he cared about was the freedom of his youngest son, and of his family's general well-being; suddenly he was unconcerned with the rest of the wolves here. They could fend for themselves but it was Steel that he wanted so badly to get away from this place. He'd never wanted his son to feel like property as he once had.

Jupiter's expression seemed to morph as he spoke. She was a strange woman. Slight surprise painted itself on his features as she accepted, releasing himself and Silent as well. Was it really quite so easy? A slow nod was given, gratitude gleaming in his hard stare. "Thank you," he would say simply. Perhaps a greater creature might've continued on, to make a plea for the release of the other wolves, a bargain of sorts -- but Bronze had never been known to be selfless and already he felt like he was getting more than he'd anticipated. He could only hope his other children might approach and request to be released, but alas he would not stay, not when Steel's freedom had been granted. A brief glance would be cast to Charmeine, one of the children that Steel had met among the Sawtooth wolves, and he hoped she too might be released. But there were too many wolves to consider, and he was overcome with worry for his own adult children. Quickly, with another dip of his muzzle, he would turn to find his child and wife and seek refuge away from these lands.

- exit Bronze -