
Demons Never Die [Meeting]


05-23-2013, 04:48 PM

The howl reached her ears, causing the ivory dame to lift her head from her nap. It was a familiar call, but it wasn't Collision. Pushing herself to her paws she picked an easy lope towards the source of the sound. The last pack meeting had been terrible, ending in nothing but chaos. Steps were fluid but hesitant. What would this meeting bring? The ivory healer slowed as she came to the gathering. Cairo sat before everyone, Epiphron, Chrysanthe and an unknown brute sat beside him. Erani had arrived with ever growing pups that seemed to struggle to sit still. She offered a smile to the ex Healer beside taking a seat near. There were a few other familiar faces, but for now her attention settled on Cairo. Collision was nowhere to be seen, but Soleil was here. She hadn't seen the dame in quite some time. Audits pushed forward, curious as to what was going happen and what had been happening. She had been lying low since the last pack meeting and wasn't really up to date on things. She gave Erani a puzzled look, hoping maybe she knew what was going on.

"speech" thought