
i lost control and i don't want it back


11-24-2014, 08:34 PM

 When it came to change- Roman was not yet done surprising the wolves of Regium. With the merge of Fehu and Regium practically breathing down her neck, she wondered how the wolves she cared for would take the news. She wandered her forest, the worries of politics breathing down her neck- and that definitely didn't help the feelings her heat brought to her. She was disgruntled and about to die if some of these feelings weren't released. So she patrolled, and patrolled hard- trying to exhaust herself so she could sleep. It was as she loped along the borders that she scented Vesta. Curiousity drew her towards her niece, and mentally she wonderd what Sin would think of her interest in his daughter. Roman and Sin hadn't seen eye to eye on.. anything, at least in the time they had been in Alacritis. She couldn't really remember their childhood. 

It didn't take her too far from the border- nor to long in time to near the young she-wolf. Softly, she'd speak to announce herself. "Such language." She commented softly, her were warm though- lacking any sense of disapproval. A slight smile pulled at her jaws. She halted a few feet from the youngster, her haunches folding gracefully to the ground. "Learning to hunt?" She inquired of the girls posture. Curiosity lit her face, as she stared and waited to see what was going on. 

