
the thrill of the hunt


05-27-2013, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2013, 04:52 PM by Liste.)


and i ran, i ran so far away

Unwisely, a bobcat lingered on the edge of Ludicael borders. It lay quietly on a low hanging tree branch, eyes glowing in the dead of the night. In the shadows stood Liste, watching carefully. Her full attention was on the cat. She supposed that the cat's presence near pack lands at this hour was an indication of only bad intentions. The idea of going to speak with someone about the creature had crossed her mind, but she worried she might lose track of it if she did. Not to mention that everyone else was probably asleep, not exploring in the middle of the night.

Shielded from view by the tree she stood against, Liste focused her golden gaze on the creature before her as she waited for it to make a move. It was looking around the area frantically it seemed, having probably noticed the increasing wolf scent. It hadn't yet crossed over the border, and she hoped it would be smart enough not to. She wasn't sure that she was in the mood for a fight, but she understood that it the situation called for it there would be no hesitation. As the beast jumped from its perch, every muscle in her body tensed. Her eyes followed it as it slunk forward, slowly making its way in her direction and onto Ludicael territory.

Her legs carried her through the cover of the trees to a spot closer to the cat. The hair standing up all over its body and the wicked gleam in its eyes told her it was feral. After a moment of calculation she stepped out from the shadows to face the feline, her body low, her teeth barred. She made no sound as the bobcat immediately sprung and ran at her, a growl escaping from its throat. Liste waited for the ideal moment to dodge, running barely to the side of her attacker, then sprinting back and throwing her full force into it in an attempt to knock it off balance. This animal presented a threat to her new pack - her home and her family - and she would not run or call for help like a coward. She would protect her own.

The bobcat stumbled from the force of Liste's attack, providing the opportunity for her to leap and pin it to the ground. It flailed and hissed, managing to grab hold of one of her paws between its teeth. She growled in pain and used the other to claw at the cat's eyes. The beast scratched frantically at her underside and cried out in pain as she made contact and blinded one eye. The cries were quickly silenced as Liste's jaw clamped around the throat of the animal.

When she was sure it was dead, Liste slunk away from her kill and dropped to the ground to nurse her wounds. She licked the blood from her belly and carefully assessed the injury to her paw. It would be painful to walk on for a while, but it would heal. She sighed, gazing at the corpse before her. She would call for someone in the morning and let them know what had happened, but for now she would rest. It had been days since she had slept, and the scrap with the bobcat left her weary. As she rested her head on her good paw, she let a small smile form on her lips. This had been her first test in forgetting her cowardly ways, and she had passed with flying colors. She only hoped that she could do the same in the face of more immediate danger.

Tagged: open | Word Count: 604