
swept along


11-25-2014, 03:03 PM

The pair had been making their way together well up until now but winter had begun to sweep in and with it came cold, and hunger. The pair were competent hunters and their large size afforded them an advantage rare for other lone wolves, but the pair would still go hungry long before a pack would and they'd certainly be less than comfortable. Together they had reached the decision to take the risk of approaching a pack, but caution had led Björn to urge them toward a smaller pack, one that was less of a danger if they were to find themselves on the wrong side of the pack's laws once again.

Rather than travel at night and alienate the alpha by waking them at night they'd chosen to approach the border in the morning, so Björn's pale lavender eyes were nearly shut against the painful light as he paced by his sister's side. Meeting her gaze questioningly he murmured, "If you feel at any time this will not work, tell me and we will leave no questions asked." They had to be in this together or not at all - he wasn't going to be leaving his sister's side again.
