
white noise. {jupiter}



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-25-2014, 05:02 PM
A sense of nostalgia flooded every fiber of Epiphron Adravendi's being as she danced closer to the borders of the mangrove. Despite the season -- the air temperature had dropped even in the east, and the earth beneath her paws was dusted with a light coating of freshly fallen snow -- the mangrove was still spectacular to behold in the darkness of night. The water shimmered in the distance, a strange mixture of of blue and green, accentuated by the glow of the moon overhead. Silence seemed to have taken hold of these lands and precariously she would wander near its borders, wary to not cross into claimed territory. Something about this place was familiar, though she hadn't explored the mangrove before; the scent was certainly something she had encountered before, but she couldn't quite place it in her memory.

A pang of regret would wrack her heart as she trailed the border, overwhelmed by curiosity she could not stifle. She hadn't explored the eastern lands of Alacritia too much -- she was much more familiar with the west, and needless to say she avoided the more northern lands entirely. A breath of smoky air would escape her lips as she continued to wander, eying the mangrove from a distance still; who claimed these lands as their own now? Once she knew Ludicael had resided her, though she hadn't known much about them, as the alliance had been formed not by herself but by the rulers before her, Gerhardt. The mere thought of him made her shudder slightly, as he reminded her irrevocably of Maverick; an unpleasant tightness gripped her chest as the memories returned to her.

How much had changed, she wondered? She had to find out -- even if it meant awakening a stranger in the dead of night. With little hesitation she would raise her muzzle to the sky, letting out a soft call, one not filled with urgency but instead with a gentle curiosity that begged to be sated.