
Make Me Blush



5 Years
11-25-2014, 05:21 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

As Dægmar charges so does Freyja, the golden femme realigning them so that they are facing across from each other.*  Regardless Dægmar's head and upper body still lower, her emerald eyes intent on Freyja's left forelimb, this downward motion causes Freyja's thrown shoulder to miss and instead strike the air above Dægmar's head.  However, Freyja's charge caused the pair to collide before Dægmar was low enough to meet her intended target.  Instead her lower fangs dig into the flesh of Freyja's sternum her upper one's near the shoulder.  Dægmar's own momentum continues to push her forward, her body shifting slightly to her own right to avoid a direct collision.  This causes her fangs to drag across flesh, tappering off just before Freyja's left elbow and causing her to fail in obtaining a grip.  Her raised left forepaw collides with the dirt rather than it's intended target.  However, Dægmar isn't put off, will all four limbs under her she aims to continue her assault.

Center of gravity remains low, Dægmar's head and tail align, her limbs bent and limber, weight distributed evenly across all four limbs. Ears remained pinned to her head and hackles raised.  Shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched back as she coiled to spring again.  Her eyes narrowed and focused on her new target.  Toes spread, claws digging into earth as she launches forward, attempting to push herself to the outside of Freyja's left side, her movement aided by the fact that Freyja's body is shifting right [freyja's], almost as if she's inviting Dægmar to push past.  The dark femme's upper body curves to the left, her body forming an arc as her eyes focus on Freyja's left hind leg, upper body seeking to mirror those rotating hips.

As Dægmar moves she feels fangs cut into top of her left shoulder blade but due to her forward momentum and the bony surface the jaws do not gain hold and instead cause moderate lacerations 3 inches long, spilling her blood freely.  It's then she feels a paw land on her back directly behind her left shoulder blade, but due to her larger size, right ward shift to try and push past Freyja, as well as her body's arcing movement the paw rolls down her left side without pinning her to the ground, though the impact will leave light bruising.

Pain from her shoulder blossoms in her head but she will not stop.  Fangs part as Dægmar's head tips to her own right, jasw parting in an attempt to seize the metatarsals (bridge of the foot) of Freyja's left hind limb right in the center.  Upper jaw aims to land across the back of the limb and lower jaw aiming to be placed across the front.  Her goal is to gain a crushing grip, hoping to tear flesh and perhaps fracture a few of the little bones.  Ultimately she hopes to injure the limb enough that Freyja will not be able to put her weight on it.  In addition to her bite the top of Dægmar's left shoulder thrusts forward and up, aiming to collide with the left portion of Freyja's luscious underbelly, midway between the bottom of the rib cage and the left thigh.  Her goal is a simple one, to cause bruising, pain and perhaps nausea.  Weight shifts to her back legs and right foreleg.  Her left forelimb already raising for the shoulder thrust, immediately after she intends to bring her left forepaw down on Freyja's left hindpaw, seeking to bruise the appendage and strain the toes.  

Dægmar vs Freyja

For Spar

Round: 2 of 2


ooc:  * -confirmed with Fox that Freyja adjusted so they were directly facing each other, also that Dægmar did not achieve a grip
I kind of just pushed right on through so if something is confusing feel free to skype me.  I can see the motion in my head but struggled getting it into words.  xD

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]