
Walking In Circles


11-25-2014, 06:10 PM

The reason for her dash had fluttered above the body of the boy, her eyes had soley been on that shape, even that soft sound a few moments before impact had not warned her of the impending danger. They had crashed, or perhaps more accuratly she had run him down and tripped and landed tangled in his paws – the other, older boy had managed to keep standing and the pup ended up looking up at him and grinning crazily. “That was fun!” she laughed, shaking out her head and attempting to untangle herself as the boy looked down at her twisted form and asked if she was okay. She smiled back at him, he smelled like Solstice, so even if she knew how to fear she wouldn't have worried about this boy. She had never seen him before however, in fact the only other young wolves she knew where related to her, either siblings or cusians.

Realising this, she looked at him more closely, taking in the friendly white of his coat and yellowy shade of his eyes. She giggled again, and reached a paw up towards his face, attempting a friendly swipe his way. “I'm Princess Illaria, whats your name?” she would ask of him

