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04. Character Creation



11-25-2014, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2016, 10:43 AM by Evelyn.)
Other Species Rules

On Ardent players may buy a pass in our gem-store to roleplay a species other than wolves. These other-species characters must abide by rules slightly different than what applies to wolf characters on-site.

1. Other-species which are not wolves may not join or create packs. However they can pledge allegiance to a pack if they desire to do so and may be considered a future ally in the case of a siege.

2. They may not successfully mate or litter unless they mate with a character of the same species. If other-species characters mate they abide by the same mating and birthing rules as a loner.

3. Other-Species may start any challenge type against a wolf character excluding Pack Challenges and Pack Claims.

4. Other-species characters may purchase any of the same passes a wolf species character may (except for pack-related items unless making or challenging for a mini-pack) including marking passes, height, unnatural colors, and companion passes. However, a small-sized other species character may only purchase a small companion, not a large companion.

Please ask a staff member if you have questions regarding Other-species characters

Canine Species

1. Canine-species which are not wolves are allowed to join packs if the canine is over 23" - at that height they may also create a pack.

2. If they choose to take a wolf mate and desire to make a litter with them, they will abide by the same mating and birthing rules as a loner and must purchase canine passes for the offspring.

3. Canine-species may start any challenge type against a wolf character. Again, they must be over 23" to challenge for a pack.