Thread Closed 

06. Fighting & Judging



11-25-2014, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 09:25 PM by Nyx.)
Siege Rules

A siege is a collaborative attack by one pack on another.

1. A siege will last 4 out-of-character weeks. A siege can happen at any time.  Players can only join the siege within the first two out-of-character weeks that follow the day the siege is posted.

2. The invading pack must have an in-character meeting informing their members and alliances of the intended siege. Any members or alliances who do not attend this meeting cannot attend the siege. Members may not attend this meeting after the siege has started.

3. The invading pack must hold the siege on the opposing pack's homeland.

4. A wolf cannot attend a siege if it has joined the participating pack less than 1 out-of-character week before the starting date of the siege thread. To join a pack, a full joining thread must be completed.

5. Only wolves age 1 year or older, or three seasons and older with an Advanced fighting skill, can participate in sieges.

6. Before participating in a siege be aware that your characters will be at risk for maims, claims or death.  You cannot ask for special treatment. If you do not want your wolf getting hurt do not join the siege.

7. Only wolves actively participating in the siege should be posted in the siege thread.

8. Once the siege is closed (either due to the two week joining period ending or to default) no new wolves may enter the siege thread for any reason.

9. No out-of-character to in-character. Your characters must be informed in-character of the siege to participate in it. It is natural to discuss strategy but your characters cannot see into the future or read other character's minds.

10. Please note that pack challenges or raids are not by themselves viable reasons to siege another pack.

Siege Victories & Losses

1. The winner of a siege is determined by the number of knock-outs that each pack takes during the siege (this includes dominance, maims, claims and deaths). The winning pack gains rights to the losing pack's land and they may choose to do one of three things:

- They may choose to disband the losing pack and put a new leader in place.

- They may choose to disband the losing pack and expand their own territory; either by choosing an additional territory near their own or by taking the current territory of the losing pack. The chosen territory then takes the same color as the winning pack.

- They may choose to seek an alternate deal with the losing pack's alpha and allow the pack to remain where it is and continue existing. The winning pack does not expand in this case.

The winner may only take 1 territory from the siege.

The losing alpha/s must wait 3 OOC weeks before they may claim, challenge or create a pack.


1. For alliances of the attacked pack to arrive a character must be designated to inform their allies when the siege occurs. This character must enter the siege and exit it successfully, see exiting terms in the following paragraph. There is an out-of-character 2 hour wait after the exit before alliances may join the siege. The wolf designated as the messenger may re-enter the siege when the alliances do. There should be one messenger per pack ally that is trying to be contacted. You may not have multiple messengers going to the same ally. Other-species allies do not need to be contacted this way and may join the siege immediately.

Exiting the Siege

1. You can exit a siege at anytime as long as you are not currently in a fight. To exit you must post with your attempted exit and there is an 8 hour waiting period until your exit is official. If you are attacked within this 8 hour waiting period you must finish that fight and may attempt to exit again. Once you exit you may not return to the siege.

Fighting Rules in Sieges

1. Fights in a siege will be treated as dominance fights unless they are specified as a claim, maim, or death match.

2. Dominance and Maim fights should only have 2 rounds for judging ease. If you do not reply to a dominance or maim fight within 2 days of the last post you will be defaulted. Note that default timers are accelerated in the case of a siege.

Death Matches and Claims

1. The amount of rounds in claim or death match fights will be determined by the participating parties. There is a 3 day post limit in which claim and death matches must be replied to before a default occurs. In regards to death matches, please get all involved players to agree to it and/or have the death match approved by staff.

2. Only tier 1 and tier 2 members of a pack may initiate claim fights. Unlike outside of a siege, they do not need to challenge a Tier 1 or 2 ranked wolf in the opposing pack. The challenged wolf may defend the claim themselves.

3. Once claimed, a character must stop fighting and exit the siege.


1. Every character is allowed to fight until they are knocked-out with a limit of knocking-out up to five opponents, at which point they must exit the fight. Characters who reach this limit and exit the siege may not have their exit contested.

2. When your character is knocked-out you must stop fighting. It is not necessary to post an exit post as no one can attack you in your attempt to exit as you are no longer allowed to fight. If you default (meaning that you didn't post within the time limits of your fight), your character will be knocked-out without exception.


1. Other species are allowed to participate in a siege; however, they can only fight for dominance or maims. They are only allowed to knock-out up to three opponents, at which point they must exit the fight. Characters who reach this limit and exit the siege may not have their exit contested.

Multiple Opponents

1. Dominance and maim matches in sieges may have multiple participants, up to six participants total. Death matches and claims may only be 1vs1.

2. Multiple participant fights in sieges must be two rounds and each team will have their scores averaged together to determine the winning team. Last Man Standing is not an option in sieges.

3. In multiple participant dominance matches, the lowest score on the losing team is knocked out. In a maim, the highest eligible score on the winning team may complete their maim and the maimed wolf is knocked out of the siege - if none are eligible or no wolf on the winning team attempted a maim then the lowest score on the losing team is knocked out. The remaining wolves may disperse and find new matches. All members of the winning team will have a knockout added to their knockout count.