
Share the Wealth [pack meeting]

Eirik I


3 Years
11-25-2014, 10:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Oh boy, was he late! He could already hear his father's stern, irritated voice scolding him on the importance of arriving on time, of doing what he was told when he was told to do it and not on his own time, of all these different ways in which he could make himself better. It was not like he did not know it all already - he had been told so many times he knew at least four different ways to say each piece - but his motivation simply was missing. But avoiding his father's ire was a good incentive to get him going, even if later than he should have set off. 

He was not a small boy and so stood no chance of simply blending in and sliding into the group unnoticed, but it did not stop him from approaching with a cautious step. He could clearly see his father at the head of the group, looking stern and serious as usual, with the pack situated around him. Most everyone was there already and as Rune began addressing them all Eirik knew he was in trouble. Showing up right when the meeting was getting underway - a tardy in his father's eyes. 

With head low and posture as inconspicuous as possible, a feat for the bulky yearling, Eirik padded quietly around the outer edge of their group, feeling the prickling sensation along the back of his neck that signified his father's eyes on him. He dared not lift his own rosy pink stare to meet the critical gaze of the Guardian but kept his dark tipped ears tuned toward him as he quietly took a seat, only glancing at his father and then the pack around him as things progressed. Advisers. That was sure to be something that might get his father's approval. But honestly he did not think himself capable of it and as Akemi volunteered he was more certain of it than before.