


11-25-2014, 10:45 PM

She would see the change come over him before he even spoke. His nostrils quivered, lips curling into a devious grin while his pupils dilated. A humorless laugh was pulled from her lips when he finally did speak, his warning subtle, yet very clear. "They would have to be crazy indeed." She would murmur softly, peering up at him suggestively through her lashes. He didn't move any closer, wise of him, because no matter what promises fell from her lips, they would never come to fruition. 

He would come to back reality, his expression normalizing. Obviously her reign of terror was enough to catch his attention. "Solstice, a pack in the south, ruled by an incompetent whore and her idiotic husband." Malice laced her sultry tones, each contradicting each other. It was a rather fun game, toying with them so, but she couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for them break, to snap under the pressure. 

There was brief pause in her words, her gaze lazily ravaging his dark features. "Come, I'd rather not standing in the cold." Demanding words were deceptively soft as she welcomed the devil himself into her home. Lips curled devilishly as she peered up at him, pivoting to her right, not quite exposing her backside to him just yet. Her gaze never left his as she waited for him to follow, to find his place beside her once more.

"Burn Baby Burn"