
Share the Wealth [pack meeting]

Rune I


5 Years
11-25-2014, 11:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
He did not have to wait long, a fact that Rune regarded with pleasure. He needed individuals with an assertive, ambitious nature to take on the tasks that he wanted the Advisory ranks to oversee, and hesitation was not something any of them could truthfully afford. There was far too much at stake, and if he was eventually to start leaving the pack for diplomatic ventures among their neighbors he had to be sure those he put in charge alongside Alamea knew what they were doing and could help handle the pack properly in his absence. 

With approval in his stern gaze, the pale grey Guardian regarded Colman as he stepped up first to volunteer for the Hunstman position. He recalled from their initial meeting that the man had even then professed to being skilled in hunting, more so than anything else, and wished that he had been more observant of late to know for himself. Following him, surprisingly, came the petite mother Akemi - her large son at her side and her teeny companion even closer - tossing in her name for the position of Sentinel. It would not have been his first choice but he knew better than to think he knew her better than she did. If she was willing to volunteer for this spot then she must have some unknown skills up her sleeve that he was unaware of. Last came Warja, voicing an interest in the Healer position. Rune regarded her quietly for a moment after she had spoken, surprised and yet delighted by her ambition. He knew she trained herself to the best of her abilities, knew first hand what she could do would a few unsuspecting plants, and did not doubt for a second that she was close, if not perfectly ready, for the position that she requested. 

A quick glance around assured him that no further candidates were going to step forward, and quietly clearing his throat the Guardian called order again. "Very well. Three volunteers for three Advisory positions. Here's what you'll be doing. Colman: I want you to hold a pack hunt. Get at least three others together and see if you can't find something that can feed most if not all of us. Akemi: once you're rested enough, I want you to head an instructional meeting. Teach the pack anything and everything you can in the time you've got them about fighting and defense and anything else you think they'd benefit from knowing. Warja," Rune paused for a second, still surprised that he should be addressing her with these others, "see if you can't get a couple others to go with you to collect some plants outside of the pack lands. Teach them a little along the way if you can."

It felt like a lot that he had assigned to the three of them, but it was all everyday things that he expected to happen more consistently than they had been happening. If they were unable to keep up with the pace of their assignments, he wanted to find out now rather than later. Casting his gaze among the group at large, he sighed, feeling for once like the weight of the pack did not rest solely upon his shoulders. "If there's no further questions, I suggest you all get together with these volunteers and see about learning something new from them. They're going to need your cooperation in order to help you out as potential advisers." With nothing more to inform them, Rune fell quiet and merely watched them mingle and disperse, hoping those who had stepped up could handle the responsibility he had temporarily given them. 

OOC: Alright, meeting adjourned! I would like to see these new threads go up within the next week and encourage everyone who didn't volunteer for something to toss your characters into one of them. Keep active, show some involvement within the pack, and you'll keep your place. Thanks for attending!