
Rock my world


11-26-2014, 12:11 AM

There was only one thing she wanted in that moment. Him. Passion consumed her, made her legs tremble with desire that she couldn't contain any longer. While he spoke no words, the wait seemed to stretch on for eternity. She would lean into his touch as he adorned her face and ears with kisses. She was going to explode if she had to wait any longer. But finally, he would rise up, a leg dragging across her side deliciously. His chest pressed against her back, his weight resting easily against her, her legs locking in place to hold them both up. He'd continue to adorn her with kisses, almost as though he was as helpless as she was. With a simple thrust of his hips, he would drive her over the edge and into oblivion. The last of her innocence was stripped away, but she was too high on his love to care. Together she would get lost in him, with him. In a fleeting moment of clarity, she knew that she was falling in love with him, if she hadn't already. And all it took was a single act of wild, crazy lust, to bind them together forever, to irrevocably tie them together. But she didn't regret a single moment of it, she would forever treasure this day.



"yoruban" "english"