
this is how it ends


11-26-2014, 01:10 AM

Massive form would slip from her, one form becoming two once more as breath took its time shifting from laboured pants to a more steady tempo. They had done as she had promised, this den no longer smelling of herbs and old Valhalla instead smelling of them, the whole place smelling of carnal pleasures. For a moment he would stand behind her, surveying the den before turning a devilish smile to her and dropping to the ground in a heap, offering his side for her to curl up into. This den was larger then any of the others they had been in, not as warm but far less drafty. Acidic gaze would trail the walls and crevices, taking not of old herbs that littered the earth here and there as well as in the nooks along the den wall. "Valhalla was known for a healer that lived amongst them. Erani I believe. My sister met her once during the war. It was said she could heal anything. I wonder if this was her den…" He mused, grin still twisted as he looked to Cat and offered her a lopsided smile. The desperation had fled from him, leaving an easy comfort in her presence rather then the need to cling to it like a small child. Hips would flip to the side and and head would drop to his paws heavily as he allowed a puff of air to gather around his maw. There had been so many things he had wanted to say to Cataleya when he had first entered the den, had been so many things he had wanted to confess but now. They all seemed to weak, pointless. They all seemed laughable, things she already knew, things that did not need to be spoken and yet slowly head would turn and he would look to his wife. "Okay. I know your going to laugh at me because even as I go over this speech in my mind it all seems to laughable but either way I need you to hear it." Voice was a deep rumble, trying to be serious but still smiling and struggling to keep the joy from his eyes. "Thank you for everything. I honestly… I don't know where I would be in my life right now without you. I love you, our family that we have together… Fuck I love that we get to terrorize people together." He would say, smile growing as he chuckled. How many men could say that they had never had a thought about another woman? That the scent of other women often repulsed them? For him all of that was true. He was forever completely devoted to this woman despite the rocky roller coaster they seemed to be riding together. "I really don't think I would have or could survive without you..." Tone would dampen a bit, gaze shifting to look up at then den that lay in and eyes narrowing slightly. How many people could have helped him in the way she had? How many people could have turned this place of pain into a place he would always hold fond memories of? She was the only one...