
TOO SICK TO PRAY }solstice challenge


11-26-2014, 08:42 PM

She would watch as her husband and his opponent exchanged words. She didn't worry, she was confident in his abilities, her only worry was the injuries he would undoubtedly sustain during this fight. The last time she had seen him wounded was when he had fought for his grandkids, he had come home battered and broken. But this time would be different. Her attention would flick only when the man beside her spoke, his words laced with distaste. She would chuckle, watching as he rose to go stand beside his mate. Ah so he did love her. Perhaps. Her attention would turn to her grandchild, his loud whisper grating her nerves. She was about to speak when Cru interrupted, pulling her attention from the spotted boy, to the cross marked man. He wanted to play. A sickening grin would curl her lips. He was back for more.

He wished to fight for the tiny woman beside her. As well as the russet man that was claimed within her home. She would rise, more than willing to meet his challenge. Eyes danced with undeniable delight. "Oh baby, how could I ever say no to you." He had stopped directly before her, the distance between them minute. Immediately her defenses settled into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed across all four legs, her tail straight and aligned with her spine, and lips curled back to push extra skin around her eyes. "Come get me, big boy." Sex dripped from her words, the impending battle and her heat making her crazy with desire. This was going to be fun. She would aim to take a step towards him, only to remove herself from the crowd that had gathered, otherwise she remained unmoving, simply waiting.

