
An Open Book, Read My Words


11-27-2014, 08:20 PM

Winter had set in a long time ago, making every setting in Ala cold and agonizing to walk through. For those used to the dropping temperatures and biting winds, it was a godsend. Pandora was not one of those people. She was a winter baby, but preferred the warm, sunny days where she could bask and let her gleaming coat catch the sun's rays. She was a beauty in the hot weather, but winter was a different story.

Her hatred for the cold was very high that evening, leaving her in a bitter mood. She had been hanging out at the lake, looking at her reflection in the frozen surface. Her beauty was something not many could claim they had, but to have it and not be able to share it among other was very depressing. A warm breath in the shape of a sigh left her lips, forming into a puff of smoke before quickly evaporating. Her turquoise eyes shimmered, but only with the sadness of being alone. Solitude really did suck.

Silently, she pulled back from the water and curled into a cobalt blue ball. Her den had caved in from the weight of snow, causing the rocks above her to break free. She was now alone, sad, in heat, and homeless. Her body began to shiver and a faint scent crossed her nose before she pulled her face beneath her tail. Golden-backed ears flattened as soft sobs wracked her frame. Hope seemed lost in her part of the world.

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