
An Open Book, Read My Words


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2014, 08:38 PM

The bitter winter winds ruffled the man's coat, making his grumpy mood even worse. He was thankful for his size, it was easier to migrate through the snow. But he was higher up, and the wind whipped him right in the face. Growling he stalked onwards. He wasn't quite sure where he was going, but he just needed to find a nice cave to go and pass the hell out in. It had been how long since he had slept now? A good three days at least. He could feel the beginning of utter exhaustion, and he just wanted to be away from Ebony while he slept. That way if he cried out, no one could hear him.

He started to make his way to the lake for a quick peek to see if it was frozen, when he saw a rather odd looking rock. Blinking his eyes, he tried to focus on it, but his damned half blind eye made it hard. Shutting his silver eye he peered at it with only his auburn one, more clear without the blur of his left eye. That is when he noticed that the rock was blue and gold, and was not a rock at all. It was moving, and crying. Opening both eyes he blinked, trying to see if he was dreaming. Bending down he bit his leg, but when he looked up the wolf-rock was still there. That is when it hit him, the scent of heat. Fendar's body shuddered, the smell calling to him in ways that he didn't like. The poor thing was shivering and crying, it would not help if he strutted over and told her that her scent made him horny. Nope, big no-no. He turned to leave, when her sob broke free. The large male winced, he couldn't just leave her out here to freeze to death. A sigh buffered out from his maw, and he moved back to face the stranger. Cursing his giving heart, he stalked over to her. Without so much as a word he settled himself down in the snow beside him, letting out a grumble as he wrapped his huge form around her smaller one. He encased her in his heat, while the smell of her season struck him hard in the face. Fendar was pretty close to just driving his nose into the snow to block it out. But he had been through worse. Gritting his teeth, he rested his auburn head atop her own, huffing out another sigh. There, maybe this would stop her from crying.