
An Open Book, Read My Words


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2014, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2014, 11:05 PM by Fendar.)

It was hard to ignore the scent, but he was a solider. He could endure it, and he would. He would not take advantage of the poor woman, he wasn't like that. She was sad and cold, like ice against his fur. Fendar wondered how long the woman had been out for, winter was harsh this year and it probably didn't take long for her to get cold. The dame didn't seem to notice him at first, but when she did she moved to lift her head. He raised his own head that had been resting over hers, giving her space to get situated. But she just stared at him. Ears pinned slightly as he cleared his throat, slightly uncomfortable. He didn't have anything on his face, did he? He was quite the strange guy, just waltzing in and wrapping himself around a stranger. But then again, Fendar did have a big heart under all those grumpy tones -- it just took a bit of digging to find that.

She thanked him, tone sweetened by an accent he didn't know. He nodded gruffly, giving a grunt in response. He would be lying if he didn't notice how pretty she was, but as her tail wrapped closer to her own rump he was reminded about her situation. She didn't want that, and neither did he. He didn't even know her name, nor anything about her. That simply would not do. He knew that he was being quite rude, so he unpinned his ears and let his gaze roam her face, nosing off the salty tears that rested on her face. He couldn't have them freezing on her, now could he? "I'm Fendar Xanilov." He murmured, tones soft as they were so close to one another. "We should probably find some shelter, its gunna get dark fast." His tone was very matter-of-fact, straight to the point with slight tones of his grumpy demeanor. But he wasn't about to move until she said something. If she wanted her own personal Fendar jacket, there wouldn't be much that he could do. He had already committed to playing a blanket, better own up to it.

"Talk" "You" Think