
An Open Book, Read My Words


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2014, 10:28 PM

She told him her name, and he slowly nodded his head. It didn't sound familiar, but he had not been in this land for too long. Still, it was her accent that intrigued him. Fendar's voice was different from the mainland wolves, but it was so slight that it was hard to notice unless close attention was paid. But Pandora's name sounded foreign in itself, spoke of an exotic land far away from this coast. She seemed to be calming down, even a smile showing on his face. Ah, better.  He didn't want any more of those messy tears or shaky sobs, it made his head and his heart hurt. Ladies should not be sad and alone, not in a time like this.

It was all fine until he brought up shelter. Oh damn. Way to go Fendar, he just had to open that big mouth of his! A sigh left his maw and he shuffled slightly, unsure of how to console her. But talk of losing homes was one he knew all too well. "I understand, Pandora." His voice cracked, and he looked away as she did to hide the pain. He watched his home be torn apart by war and blood, fought for it too. "But a home is not a place where you rest your head at night. Its in here." He said softly, lifting a paw and placing it on her chest. His head moved to look at her piercing blue eyes, a soft smile on that auburn muzzle of his. He had to relocate after hiding, there he moved from place to place. He brought his home with him, because he had no other options.

Clearing his throat as his ears pinned slightly in embarrassment and he took his paw off of her form. He looked around, trying to think of something else. "Why don't we go on a little hunt for a home for you? I could always bring you back to Ebony, but only if packs are your thing." His voice was soft, hesitant. He knew that not all wolves liked to be in a pack, and he respected that. He would not push it on her, which is why he suggested looking around. Fendar's metallic gaze moved upwards, gazing at the sky as it began to grow grey. Frowning, he knew that it would start to turn black in only a matter of moments. The most bold stars started to show, shining through the haze as the first warning of nightfall. Shit, probably not the best time to go looking around. They couldn't really stay out here all night though, Fendar could only produce so much heat...