
Third times the charm



05-24-2013, 11:44 AM
The brute shuffled away from her attack to his leg, managing to snap at her face even though she had tried to thrust her tensed shoulder his way to stop him from protecting himself that way. Her hackles were raised, partly in agitation, but mainly from the adrenaline and rush of being in a fight. Her shoulder ended up hitting his shoulder, and the beta inwardly cursed - he was nimble, something that she hadn't expected, but would not have to take into consideration. She was large for a female, but not as heavy as she could be not quite being completely grown - still, it might be enough to use brute strength where he was using speed. Fighting fire with fire wouldn't earn her a victory - maybe she could put it out if she beat it hard enough.

When his teeth went for her muzzle, she was already pulling back from missing her mark on his leg - there was no reason to stay completely beneath him. Yet she did not simply pull away, twisting her body so that she was facing him head on, and thrusting her head upward to protect herself with her teeth. His bite was cast upon her left cheek, and his teeth sank slightly into the side of her face, sliding over bone and leaving bleeding lacerations in their wake. With a snarl, she aimed a snap at his left eye, trying to get him to back off, to move away so that she could stand up tall and keep attacking. Her eyes were narrowed with their close quarters, her ears pinned and her muzzle crinkled as she snarled. Her throat was not easily reached without her open snapping jaws being there to protect the vital area. Her back legs were squared for balance, while her front was lowered - previously to snap at his front leg, but now so that she could spring up as soon as she had the chance.

ooc: sorry this took a bit, i thought i could read a novel, take two tests and write a report in like - a day. hahahaha no.
attacks: bite to Awaken's face

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muzzle crinkled, jaws open, back legs squared for balance, front legs bent in hopes to spring, hackles raised

injuries: torn fur and skin on her left neck / shoulder area, bite to the cheek

Round two of four