
An Open Book, Read My Words


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2014, 11:18 PM

Her gaze had grown softer, eyes and mouth smiling. His words had touched her, and he had made his mark. His own grumpiness had worn off through the conversation. Sleep didn't matter when he was caring and protecting someone, it was his job. He strove to make others feel safe, he felt a great pleasure in it. All signs of her tears were gone, even her voice had lost most of its harshness. Pandora said that she would remember that, and he nodded. It was something he took to heart, something he had to find out the hard way. He felt as if he had lost everything when Old Ebony had fallen, but he had the most valuable thing left -- his life. So many lives had been taken during that war, so many dying screams of his comrades. Eyes squeezed shut to block out the images, to stop the sounds of their screams. He would never forget, but he had allowed himself to move on.

The girl stood, and he was thankful that he could stand up. He was starting to get a little too comfy, and their gazes had broken with an awkward feeling lingering. But as he rose to all fours, he realized just how much bigger than her he was. He knew he was bigger than most wolves, but he hadn't been able to fully see her size as she became a wolf-rock. He couldn't help but gaze at those dazzling gold markings, intricate designs that wound around her form. They were like a maze, and all at once he wanted to explore it with his claws. Shaking his head he forced his gaze to her face, flashing a small smile. Oops... had he been caught staring? Fendar shook himself, both to rid the snow from his multi-auburn shaded coat and to clear those thoughts from his mind. She was vulnerable right now, last thing she needed was some big oaf staring at her.

Pandora suggested looking for a new den, and his head nodded with a little too much vigor. As she asked him to accompany her, he barked out a laugh. "Did you think I was going to leave you to have all the fun? I don't think so." He muttered, eyes casting around the lake. It was growing darker, and with this woman in heat he knew that if left alone, the temptations of some wayward male might come to haunt her. "Plus, every pretty lady needs a big man for protection." Goodness... what was that? Was that an attempt to flirt? Ha! He was so lame. Bringing himself to her side, he smiled and hoped that she took that in a teasing matter. No need to make things any more awkward, he had done a good enough job of that already. Idiot...

"Talk" "You" Think