
A Whale's Song



06-04-2013, 02:31 AM

They moved aways from the beach, staying within the cover of the trees. They searched for a place to stop, but it was Cherokee who found the old badger's nest. It was tucked under the powerful roots of some old trees. Their twisting forms making the hole making a nice spot for the den. She was slightly concerned though, it seemed a bit on the small side. She was worried about getting herself into the confined space let alone she AND her black companion. Song needn't have worried. Cherokee was ready for that.
He left her for only a few moments, his large form intent upon clearing out enough space for the both of them. She had never seen anything like it. His huge form tore through the earth like it was nothing. She smiled at him, her knight in shiny obsidian armor.
While he quickly finished the cave, Song started to groom herself. She let her tongue push most of the excess water from her fur. This made life slightly more bearable being away from her heating pad. Before she could get much farther she could hear the ebony giant call out to her. Their shelter for the night was ready. Her alabaster paws brought her quickly within the entrance. As she looked upon the black wolf she noticed something that hadn't been there before.
There were butterflies in her stomach now. A shy smile crept upon her face as her legs curled underneath her. She gingerly slid next to him, hoping to cure the slight shaking that had returned to her limbs. She wasn't sure it was completely from the cold. "What a nice place to take refuge," her bell like voice complemented his work as she snuggled up to him.
