
Breakin' my heart BIRTHING THREAD

Motif I


4 Years
11-28-2014, 03:04 AM

Lately it took forever to get to sleep, no position was comfortable, the world outside her den was too loud, the night was too dark or the moon to bright. Nothing sat right with her, and she woke often in the night, often to the kicking of the young in her belly as they squirmed about her, too big for the crapped area her stomach provided for them. So when the queen finally found herself asleep, lulled by the gentle pit-pat of rain outside her door it was with a horror to wake for a start, disoriented some time in the night. Her chest heaved, and her belly burned. She cried out, and her tongue lolled between her teeth as she began to pant. She cried out again, her toes stretching out behind her in exertion as the realisation struck her – it was happening, it was time.

She also learned that it was excruciating, the feel of them pushing inside of her, searching for the exit as body automatically pushed. “Bass, Rhythm!” she cried out, but her hoarse voice broke and it could barely be called a cry. She panted, heaved, and her body pushed some more. She didn't want to be alone for this, where were her siblings, her family. She pushed again, and felt the resistance, she cried out in pain, something was wrong! Her body was heaving and pushing and nothing more happened, she could feel the need to push the young out of her, and she felt the blood that left here, she knew it was time, why was it not happening? Sickened, she struggled to think, crying out again as another spasm of a push racked her body. The first was stuck! That had to be the problem.