
Breakin' my heart BIRTHING THREAD



13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-28-2014, 08:29 AM

She felt odd sleeping in her den by herself, she'd gotten quite used to Motif overpowering presence and found herself unable to sleep without her. Especially now Rhythm would start to worry, those pups were literally due any hour and the she wolf had one ear open for any disturbance. Though in admittance it was not the sound of her sister's voice that would pull her to her side but a feeling of wrongness that would not allow her back into slumber. Sighing the dark girl pushed herself tiredly to her paws, needing to check up on Motif before she could find peace one more.

She'd pull herself from the hole in the earth she called her den, paws would eagerly eat up the ground as she rushed to her sister's den, already she would contemplate staying with her until the actual birth took place. However as she approached the sound of labor would reach her as did the scent of birth and blood. It was time, and there really was something going wrong. She wouldn't wait for any kind of welcome nor would she search for any of the plants that might have helped her sister's labor. Motif was struggling, there would be no time for that.

She'd slip in, worry on her features as she went right to work, pain was ever more obvious as her sister flailed under the pressure of the birth. Now was when Rhythm would be put through her trial. She'd stifle the wan to whine and panic, knowing Motif and her children were in trouble she'd hum softly, trying to calm the new mother. "Mo, you've got to be calm now more than ever." She'd plead as her nose would poke and prod at her sister's massive girth. It felt like at least one of the pups had to be stuck.

She would take in a deep breath, the potential disaster hanging over her head as she would prepare for what she needed to do. "Rest in between the contractions, during the next one you're going to need to push hard," She'd say as her paws would stand in the discharged blood, she would focus on pushing into Motif's belly she'd try desperately to move the pup into position before the next wave would hit Motif. "Ready?" She'd ask with all the confidence she could muster, though if the question was for her or her almost twin she wasn't sure.
