
Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Trica)

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-28-2014, 04:29 PM
Darkness engulfed her thoughts as her unconscious form lay limply on the sandy beach, pure white fur soaked with salt water from her terrifying experience just moments ago. Beside her lay her savior, though she was unaware of his presence in her unconscious state. Brief flashes of memories passed through her brain, ones of her and her mate just a season ago when he had saved her from the freezing lake. It seemed that this was a common event in their lives together, that someone she would be stupid and that he would always come to her rescue. What if the next time she decided to be a rebel he wasn't there? What if her stupid actions caused her to lose her only love?

A shudder racked through her small form, one that quaked from her ears to her sopping wet tail, causing her to emerge from her unconscious state. Another round of coughing followed the abrupt awakening as she looked around at her surrounding, her sterling gaze stopping on the still form beside her. Leaping to her paws she stood beside her mate, wondering if he was alright. Deadly thoughts whirled in her mind of his death and her stupid actions. She had caused this. A whimper left the small femme's body as she stared helplessly towards her love. What was she supposed to do?

Doing the only thing she could think of, she curled up beside her seemingly lifeless mate, her soaking body providing little warmth. A single tear bled from her silver orb, one full of grief and anguish. If only she hadn't been so stupid. If only she had followed his quiet orders. When did disobeying ever get her anything good? Laying her small crown on her mate's flank she sighed. This was the only thing she could do. She could only ever comfort him, she couldn't even give him the decency to listen to his orders. If only.