
Valentine, Sing Me My Lullaby {Valen}



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-29-2014, 01:04 AM

The fae was quick, ducking under his attack so that he missed his target entirely. Instead his jaws found purchase in the upward facing portion of her ribcage just to the right of her spine. He bit into her mercilessly, his fangs driving deep. Instinctively, Valen would attempt to wrap his forelimbs around the base of her neck (right in front of where it meet the shoulders) in the hopes of maintaining a dominate position over his opponent while squeezing off her air supply, possibly even choking her into submission.

Positioned the way they were, with Valentine draped over Anzy's front half and their bodies lined up and overlapping in an almost straight line, instead of making contact with his chin, the top of Anzy's head connected with the lower portion of Valentine's sternum. Bone against bone, Valentine felt the blow immediately. It throbbed painfully and promised a moderate bruise later. Her efforts drew a grunt from him and caused him to release his hold on her back.

In response the brute's jaws flung wide once more, his head snaking down and tilting to his left as he attempted to close his jaws around his opponent's spine, just behind her shoulder blades. At the same time his right hind paw would rise, toes splaying out stiffly as he attempted to kick forward and drive his claws into Anzy's left eye in a blinding blow.

To complete his attack, Valentine decided to use his superior height and his opponent's lowered position to his advantage. He rolled his weight forward suddenly, placing as much of it on his forelegs as he could in an attempt to drive Anzy into the ground. If he were lucky, she'd crumble beneath his weight, possibly striking her chin on the ground and becoming pinned helplessly beneath him.

His defenses, never wavering, adjusted accordingly to it all. Ears flat, eyes narrow, hackles lifted and tail held out stiffly behind him. Shoulders remained hunched forward. Valentine was careful to center his weight, rolling it forward in the hopes of balancing on his opponent's neck as he raised his hind paw to strike. His remaining left hind paw was firmly planted, the toes splayed and the knee bent. Every inch of him was tense, muscles coiled and ready for her retaliation.


Round TWO of TWO

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.