
A little adventurous

Mercy I


5 Years

11-29-2014, 01:18 AM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2014, 01:22 AM by Mercy I.)

She had settled in now, and was starting to find her backbone. Gone was the fear of being left alone, and it was replaced with the need to do well within this pack. She strove to seek a higher rank, and to become a better warrior. She may be young, but that didn't matter. She had been training hard, her muscles growing more defined under her silky white coat. Her elongated tail swirled behind her as she made her way through her home lands, when the scent of a stranger reached her nostrils. Mercy stilled, head raising as she looked over the snowy knolls. Her coat blended in perfectly with the snow, giving her more of a cover as her eyes roamed for who ever dared crossed Imperium's borders. Lips curled back to reveal her teeth, jaws working as her anger rose. Was the stranger stupid? Their borders were marked well, it shouldn't be a surprise to the woman that she was breaking in. Well then... The girl smirked, toes stretching as her muscles coiled beneath her pelt. It would seem that it was time to teach someone a lesson, as well as test her own growing skills.

Heart bounded in her chest as purple eyes locked on the intruder. Her silver form stood out among the blanket of snow, making her look like a ghost. Nevertheless a growl tore from her throat, hackles raised as she stalked forward. She came at the woman head on, stopping and hoping to leave about three feet between them. Purple eyes narrowed as she eyed the smaller woman, she was quite a bit larger than her. The stranger stood at 29 inches, and she herself stood at 38 inches. A grin split across her maw as she eyes her, huffing softly. "This is claimed land, although I am pretty sure you knew that already. Trespassing is not something we take very lightly." Her words were a soft purr as lips pulled back into a snarl, tail aligning with her spine as her ears flattened against her skull. Shoulders rolled forward as she lowered her head, aligning her head with her spine as her chin tucked closer to her chest. She meant buisness, and she would show this wench that Imperium was not to be messed with.

Mercy did not hesitate in her attack. She hoped that the distance between them remained at three feet as she jumped forward, aiming to land right in front of her. The white girl dipped her head down, jaws opening as she attempted to bite down around Abelinda's muzzle. She wanted to keep her from trying to bite her, as well as allowing her full control of her head. Mercy's top jaw aimed to land on the left side of her muzzle as her bottom jaws sought the right side of her muzzle. The girl then yanked her head downwards, hoping to pull Abel with her. She hoped that from her attempted bite along the thin skin of the muzzle, Abelinda would have no choice but to follow the movement. Unless of course, she wanted the puncture wounds to tear, and for the flesh around her jaws to be torn. As this occurred, Mercy aimed to raise her front right paw, stretching it forward. She tried to bring it up to Abelinda's face, aiming to dig her claws into Abelinda's left eye. This would not be the final attack on Abel's left eye, she hoped to fully blind that eye. Perhaps when she would learn to depend on her sense of smell grow stronger...

To make up for her tri-pod stance, Mercy leaned her weight to the left, trying to evenly spread her weight through her remaining three legs on the ground. Her toes spread as her claws bit into the earth, hoping to further aid her balance. This woman would not be leaving her lands without a mark to remember her by.

MERCY vs ABELINDA for MAIM - PARTIAL BLINDING (blinding of the left eye)
ROUND 1/2 (sound good?)

Defenses: Hackles raised, eyes narrowed, tail aligned with spine, ears flattened, shoulders rolled, head aligned with spine, chin tucked to chest, weight spread, toes spread, claws dug into earth.

Attacks: Trying to lock her jaws around Abel's muzzle, yanking down to hopefully pull her head lower. Raising her own left paw, trying to dig her claws into Abel's left eye.

Injuries: N/A

OOC: Kayi gave permission to edit, I put Mercy's size down wrong.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.