
A little adventurous

Mercy I


5 Years

11-29-2014, 02:38 AM

It would seem that her attacks would not land like she planned, which angered the pale girl. A growl tore from her throat as her teeth merely scratched the surface of Abel's muzzle. The slight ting of blood was not enough, if she hoped to teach the older woman a lesson that would simply not do. Her claws bounced uselessly off of her eye, leaving a tiny nick above Abel's left brow. Quickly Mercy aimed to lower her right raised leg, hoping to once again have it safely on the earth. She would not have to wait for an attack to fall on her vulnerable paw though, for the older woman raised her head up and tried to bite into Mercy's jaw. Size seemed to matter here, for Mercy simply raised her own head, Abelinda's teeth grazing through her skin. There were very minor lacerations on the bottom of Mercy's muzzle, just deep enough to draw droplets of blood. She was surprised that it was all that had been attempted on her, and her grin returned. Ears remained flat against her skull, tail still raised to align with her spine. With her own head raised, she quickly tucked her chin to her chest to protect her open vitals. Toes spread on all four paws, claws biting into the earth to keep her balance set. Weight was aligned evenly on all fours, legs slightly bent to keep her more limber.

Without a moment to lose Mercy launched her next attack. The white girl tried to pull her body upwards onto her hind legs, making her tower above the intruder. With a swift motion Mercy's head ducked downwards towards Abel, jaws parting as she sought to drive herself back down to all fours. As Mercy tried to return to the ground, she aimed her jaws for the left side of the silver woman's face, bottom jaws aimed just to the right of her left eye, top jaws aimed for just below her left ear. She hoped that the force of her rearing up would bring more pressure to the bite, as well as hopefully rendering Abel dizzy and unable to strike back at her. Mercy tired to lock her jaws, hoping to hold onto the left side of her face, eyes narrowed in determination. She quickly transferred her weight, bracing herself to try to keep herself from being easily toppled over. Mercy hoped that the bite would land, pulling her own face towards Mercy's right. If her teeth landed, the move would hopefully pull of the left side of Abel's face, but if it did not at least her own head has a bit of distance from Abel's. Mercy's shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched, her hackles remaining raised.

MERCY vs ABELINDA for MAIM - PARTIAL BLINDING (blinding of the left eye)

Defenses: Ears pinned, tail aligned with spine, chin tucked to chest, toes spread, claws dug into ground, weight balanced, legs bent, eyes narrowed, made up for reared up state, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, hackles raised.

Attacks: Trying to bite around Abel's left eye (top jaws near the bottom of left ear, bottom jaws on the right side of left eye) and pulling her head to her (Mercy's) right.

Injuries: Minor lacerations on bottom of muzzle.

OOC: Nice quick fight! <3

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.