
Tally Ho!


05-24-2013, 05:23 PM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


Champion caught scent of the male in the immediate area, and found her paws at once. Yet he didn't show himself. "Vioxes?" she called, now just curiously. The mammoth she-wolf shook her head and trotted along the great fallen trunk. From up that high, it was easy to spot the flash of white ducking back behind one of the other trees. She didn't smell anything like fear in the air - and from the start this male had been a brave one - so no it couldn't be that he was hiding from her... He had to be... playing some sort of game?

Well even if he wasn't, Champion wanted to now. The Beta's inch long claws scared the old wood as she did a flying leap from the log onto one of the mossy roots of the surrounding trees. For so big a creature, she got around just fine. Amusement lit up those burgundy eyes of hers - a familiar light to any that knew her. Despite her military upbringing, she was the sort of wolf who lived life on the edge. Normal things like self-preservation rarely filtered into her views of a situation. To some, this made her mad, but she really wasn't. She just lived like the world was her playground.

And, if she wasn't mistaken, this current game was resembling hide and seek.

The fae picked her paws carefully, creeping through the carpet of ferns round to the far side of the tree. She barely breathed for fear of it making a sound. Her ivories showed in a devilish grin. Round she came - and then - she pounced! Nearly two hundred pounds of wolf leaping for her companion, hoping to bowl him over and give him a pinning for not coming exactly when she called. It was all joking of course, she wouldn't really hurt him - but this was too much fun to pass up!
