
TOO SICK TO PRAY }solstice challenge



2 Years
11-29-2014, 09:29 AM


 Meinx had been ready, and as soon as the older woman disregarded Qanik, Meinx had set out her defense: Eyes slit, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed, knees bent slightly, crown aligned with spine, claws gripped into ground for more balance, tail tusked, hackles raised, chin tucked, muscles tensed and teeth bared. Meinx would watch carefully as Aerndis would make her way towards her, slightly to her own right [Meinx's left.] At the very last moment, Meinx would aim to step to her own right , in the hopes of missing the attack to her neck. But the beta wouldn't be quite so successful, instead Aerndis's attack landing and bruising the front of her left shoulder, which would cause Meinx discomfort later on. As Meinx aimed to sidestep to her own right [like 2 feet/paws], she would aim to also shove her left shoulder forward, in the hopes of hitting Aerndis's  left shoulder at the front, hoping to bruise, hoping to meet the opponents own attack with a shove.  Due to Meinx shifting, Aerndis's attack didn't land as intended. Instead of snapping down on her lower jaw and nose, it would instead skim and nip the centre of Meinx's left cheek.  This is because Meinx had moved to her own right slightly, just enough to avoid the serious injury but not enough to come out clean, blood would seep out of her cheek slightly, but Meinx would do her best to ignore it. Meinx would quickly distribute her weight on all four paws once again, hoping to remain balanced. Though her jaw attack was unsuccessful, as Aerndis lifted her left forepaw, it would slam down onto the left side of Meinx's left forepaw, which would cause pain to shoot through her paw slightly, which would sprain slightly.

Meinx would then go forth with her own attacks. Meinx would aim to tilt her head slightly to the right, her  jaws would aim to snap towards the left side of Aerndis's face, top set aiming to pierce her left eye, while the bottom row of teeth would aim to snap down on the left side of her opponents jaw, hoping to blind the woman and also limit Aerndis's movement. Meinx would also aim to unbalance her opponent, hoping to lift her left forepaw and swipe her opponents own left forepaw from beneath her, hoping to knock her of balance. Meinx would quickly distriubute her weight on all three paws as she aimed to unbalance Aerndis. Her adrenalin would kick in, ignoring the pain from her cheek and left forepaw, though she knew she'd soon be feeling the injuries after the fight.

Meinx Vs Aerndis for MAIM (blinding to left eye) Round 1/2

Im happy with Saff judging? also pm me for questions! good luck<3
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.