
TOO SICK TO PRAY }solstice challenge



2 Years
11-29-2014, 02:57 PM
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The challenge had not fallen on deaf ears. But a sense of dread and pure fear seized her small body to the point she refused to move. She had been out hunting, but had yet to find anything in the cold of this winter day. But hearing that howl had her freeze mid-step and her mind flash back to the day Vir had challenged for Seracia. A whine spilled from her lips in worry. Would she lose another home to a challenger? She prayed it not so. Crucifix and Orchid had offered her a life, a chance of being normal and not alone. She did not want to lose what she now just realized what was so precious to her. Brilliant green eyes that had been wide with fear grew hard and determined. Shaking herself out she ran back to Orchid's den. If there was a challenge, blood was sure to be spilled. She gathered all she could in a large leaf and reeds before carefully picking it up. She didn't know where Orchid was but maybe the older woman was already heading her way to the battlefield. With a deep steadying breath she marched to the battlefield.

The smell of the battlefield could not be masked not matter what one did, nor could the scars and stains in the earth be covered. She paused for a moment, a shiver running down her spine. Should she call for Vir? She at least might want to know what was going on. Placing her bundle of herbs down she tossed her head back to call for the red woman, her friend. In truth Rohini just didn't want to left sitting alone here, she wasn't sure if her nerves could take it. After her brief call she made it the rest of the way to the battle. The first thing she noticed was both Cru and Sibelle were locked in battle and Orchid hadn't made it here. She frowned slightly and sat down where she could watch both fights and keep an eye of the others. She had a bad feeling, whether if be from the two pairs of fighting wolves or the blue male and the three females off to the side.

