
An Open Book, Read My Words


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
11-29-2014, 03:18 PM

Damn, he had been caught looking. Fendar had half the mind to look away and whistle, to seem even more like he had been caught red handed. It had been a long while since he had had an interaction like this, one that was fun and easy, yet full of embarrassing moments and funny looks. He felt like a young boy again, discovering that woman were a nice thing to look at. Pandora was a rare breed indeed though, he had not seen marks like that in his whole four years of life -- and he had been around town a few times. But it would seem that as time passed with these two, the girl was starting to warm up just as he was. He felt better than he had in awhile, like he had just slept but without the nightmares. So he gladly stood and took a place at her side, finding it rather comical that she was a lot smaller than he had thought.
He startled slightly when she stopped dead in her tracks, legs splaying somewhat as he looked around for danger. When he realized that it was just to look back at him, he relaxed and offered her a small smile. He was still quite jumpy, he doubted that it would ever go away. She moved her shoulder and bumped his own, making Fendar chuckle in his low baritone. "then what does that make me, my lady?" He asked in a teasing manor, raising a single brow as he looked down on her. He wasn't a fool, he knew that she was flirting. But it was breezy and calm, something that he was enjoying throwing back at her. He needed to get out more, to get into more conversations like this. It took a weight off of his shoulders, made him forget. When she brought up fighting off dragons he just let out a huff, spreading his legs and puffing out his chest. "A valiant knight would not leave a poor damsel in distress, now would he?" He teased, bending down and flicked his wet nose against her ear. The soft hair tickled his nose as he pulled back, smirk spread across his black lips. He could take a dragon fight any time.
Seeing that she was heading towards the tree line, Fendar followed her in stride. His eyes kept peeled for any signs of a den, and it wasn't long before he saw a large burrow, big enough for two wolves. Grinning, he trotted over and stuck his nose in, sniffing around to see if anyone was in there. He was greeted with a rather loud growl as a leg struck out, claws running down his nose. Yelping he pulled back, nose twitching as blood pooled across the black surface. Letting out a growl he peered in, closing his one half blind eye to try and focus better. There sitting in the cave was a rather pissed off badger, teeth bared as it growled and hissed at him. He growled right back, snapping his teeth in its direction. That is when he saw the smaller shape of young ones, cowering behind their protector. Frowning, he snorted at the rather rude mother and backed off. He wasn't going to drive them out in the cold.
Fendar returned to Pandora's side, the cold air stinging his slashed nose. "I seem to have ran into a dragon, but she was protecting her babies. Couldn't very well drive them out." He mumbled, ears folding slightly. "Any luck on your end?" He asked, sniffling as the blood started to slowly trickle towards his nostrils.